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"Clothes Do Make the Man - or the Woman!"

04/28/2021 03:24:57 PM


Rabbi Reuben Israel Abraham, CDR, CHC, USN (ret)

In this week’s parashah, Parashat Emor, we find the following: “Speak with Aharon saying: ‘A man from your sons for all their generations who has a defect on him shall not approach to offer “lechem” [consecrated food] to his G-d; for any man in/on whom there is a defect shall not approach…” (VaYikra 21:17-18) The Shulchan Aruch (“Set Table”/Code of Jewish Law) specifically states that prayer is the replacement for ritual sacrifices in the absence of the Temple in Jerusalem (Orach Chaim 98:4).  With this in mind, it is concluded that the same criteria regarding the offering of sacrifices should be used to offer prayer.  Rebbe Nachman of Breslov cites the Zohar (Zohar Yitro 79) that says the following: “In a place where one finds ‘Yirat Shamayim’ – the Fear/Awe of Hashem – one finds perfection.” (Likutei Moharan I:14h) And the reverse is also true: a place where there is no fear of Hashem is blemished.  Rebbe Nachman concludes that just as unblemished sacrifice requires it, unblemished prayer requires Yirat Shamayim.  But why?  Does not Hashem hear prayers whether or not the one who prays fears H-m or not?  To answer this question, the following Chasidic parable is offered for your consideration:

The Royal Ball was held every year on the eve of the King’s birthday.  This was a grand event attended by the leading dignitaries and bluebloods of the civilized world.  Representatives of the media from every corner of the globe arrived to cover the regal affair.  Months ahead of time the Queen had begun her preparations.  She personally chose the exquisite hand-tailored gowns that her daughters would wear choosing from hundreds of samples.  Most of the Queen’s time was consumed by meetings with the various representatives of the best-known fashion designers who competed for the honor of outfitting the Queen’s daughters, the Princesses.  The competition was very fierce, for the Queen would choose the highest possible quality at the most reasonable price.

Barazanoff was a fast-talking, cigar-smoking, vodka-drinking designer and manufacturer who had been trying to stick his foot inside the castle door for years but with no success.  Finally, he gained an audience with the Queen after having deposited a few gold rubles in the “right pockets.”  Barazanoff displayed his wears before the Queen.  “Have a look, Your Majesty.  Ceylonese silk, Belgian lace, Armenian velvet --- it’s all here in your choice of colors.  My whites are whiter than the Gates of Heaven, and my satins shimmer like the harvest moon on a clear October night.  My tailors are descendants of the Yang dynasty royal outfitters.  Yet, I will not only top the competition’s quality, I will undercut any price by at least 20%!”

The Queen raised an incredulous brow.  Although Barazanoff sounded blatantly boastful, he succeeded in arousing her curiosity.  “I will tell you what,” she told Barazanoff as she picked up a sample of a high-necked turquoise Manchurian silk gown, “I shall order twelve of these for my handmaidens.  If I find the quality as excellent as you promise, I will place an additional order for my daughters’ gowns.  If they, too, shall meet my standards, you will be invited to design and sew my new royal gown!”  With that, they agreed upon a price, and a representative of the Royal Chancellor of the Exchequer place a pouch of gold talons directly into Barazanoff’s already outstretched hands as a down payment.  In just a fortnight, Barazanoff returned to the palace with the twelve gowns for the handmaidens.  The Queen inspected the wares and found them to be quite satisfactory especially in light of the very reasonable price she paid him.  Barazanoff could barely conceal his glee.  “What about the Princesses, Your Majesty?  Would not the white Armenian velvet with the Siberian sable trim be perfect for your daughters?”  The Queen nodded her ascent agreeing to the offered price.

As with the previous order, Barazanoff arrived ahead of schedule with the goods.  This time, however, he received a rude awakening: standing by waiting the Queen’s instructions were twenty people who pounced on the gowns intended for the Princesses examining every single stitch.  “Who are these people?” protested the highly flustered Barazanoff whose face had turned bright crimson.  “These are the kingdom’s foremost tailors and garment experts,” replied the Queen.  “What, did you think that I would accept your goods and then fill your pockets with gold without inspecting the wares I have purchased?”  Suddenly, one of the experts declared: “Your Majesty, the fur trim on this gown is not Siberian sable --- it is domestic rabbit!”  “Your Majesty,” cried out another tailor, “this seam lacks an overlock.  It could easily fray in the middle of the Royal Ball!”  As each minute proceeded, the Queen’s experts discovered more and more blemishes on the garments.  Reaching the point of total exasperation, the Queen called the palace guards and instructed them to escort both Barazanoff and his faulty garments through the palace gates.  As the burly Sergeant of the Guard grabbed Barazanoff’s arm, the merchant blurted out: “Your Majesty, I do not understand!  The quality of these gowns is just as good as the quality of the last gowns that I made for your handmaidens.  You inspected them yourself and approved them.  What did you have to bring these twenty inspectors for?”

“Barazanoff, you silly merchant, if I were as stupid as you think I am, would I even be the Queen?  I am fully aware of the mediocre quality of the garments you prepared for my handmaidens.  But for the price, it was an attractive purchase.  However, you were to receive double the price for each of my daughters’ gowns.  The daughters of the King and Queen undergo the scrutiny of every photographer in the Kingdom while no one even looks twice at my handmaidens.  You should have taken that into account.  Now take your goods and leave before I have you thrown out!”

In this parable, the handmaidens represent the other nations of the world.  They do not need to be perfect.  However, the Princesses --- the daughters of the King and the Queen --- represent all Jewish souls who are known as the daughters of the Shechinah (HaShem’s Holy Presence), the Queen.  The royal garments are the prayers offered to Hashem in lieu of sacrifices.  As such, they must undergo close scrutiny before they are offered up to Hashem, the King of Kings.  The lesson of the parable is this: the more we strive to feel Yirat Shamayim --- the Fear/Awe of Hashem --- the more our prayers become like the ancient sacrificial offerings of our ancestors: worthy offerings to Hashem. 

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784